Sculptuur met zwart-wit kopieën van boeken uit de collectie, keramiek, ijzerdraad, epoxy
Chris Hoeben maakte een werk op maat van de bibliotheek. Zijn werk werd geselecteerd naar aanleiding van een open call die in 2021 naar de studenten uitgestuurd werd waarbij voorstellen voor de bibliotheek ingestuurd konden worden. Hoeben stelde voor om een werk te creëren voor de ruimte met de kopieermachine en vertrok hierbij van wat hij benoemde als de spontane ‘drang’ voor het delen van interessante ‘ontdekkingen’ die hij bij vele van zijn bezoeken aan de bibliotheek ervaarde. Keramiek en kopieën van boeken uit de bibliotheekcollectie vormen de basis van het werk.
Essential Reading is a project that aims to enlarge, diversify and enrich Kunstenbibliotheek’s book collection. Which books are, today, really indispensable for an art library? Guests of Essential Reading bring together and present in the library the books they consider most valuable in their life and work.
BOEKS is a platform for showing books on the Bijloke site in Ghent. Every month, for one night, a book, its maker and publisher take center stage. Afterwards, remains stick around on walls, ceilings and floors. Along the way a BOEKS collection comes into being.
BOEKS celebrates printed matter, thick and thin, young and old, unique and serial, legible and illegible. Above all, BOEKS loves and highlights precisely those books that ask for it, because they are good, still unknown or fed up with the stacks or boxes they are confined to. BOEKS collaborates, contextualizes, supports and produces. The platform shows text, visual art and graphic design.
BOEKS is houses in a 15th-century convent corridor connecting the Kunstenbibliotheek with the STAM. BOEKS is an initiative of KASK and the Kunstenbibliotheek.
More info at
In 2015 1m3 was initiated as an exhibition space dedicated to artists’ books from Kunstenbibliotheek’s collection. A guest curator is asked to make her/his selection from the library and present it within the vitrines of 1m3.
Despite being located close to the school, Kunstenbibliotheek started experimenting with the possibilities of mobile bookshelves. Following the pop-up principle, these wheeled shelves are able to be easily moved and can therefore reach a new audience outside of the library.
These small bib-carts can present a curated selection of books on a particular subject, which can be taken to lessons, workshops or ateliers. After creating the first prototype, several other designs were experimented with as to test out the possibilities of each cart. Some are rather practical for transport, some present the books better.
The idea of the book trolleys is not that they serve without a ‘caretaker or person in charge’, but rather as a place to collect information in and make this mobile, where people can stand or sit around it. Just as a library provides a social fabric in a location, the book cart/book trolley/eventually book backpack (still in progress) will also be designed to gather around and share knowledge.
During the Graduation Week 2023 the wheeled shelves were used as a pop-up bookstore to sell students publications.
A project by Nomadic School of Arts, Suzy Castermans, Peter Van de Velde, Seppe-Hazel Laeremans & Marthe Huyse
photos by (c) Rembert Deprez & Marthe Huyse
Research can be a maze many struggle to make sense of. With our little selection on specific topics, the Kunstenbibliotheek is trying to help you find your way through our vast collection. Since we constantly are making an effort to give space to & focus on marginalized topics, these lists will be regularly updated. We are still learning. Our little labyrinth logo on the book’s spine will help you find the suggested books in the shelves. Enjoy!
Sculptuur met eik, den, linde, beuk, notelaar en MDF
Sculptuur met zwart-wit kopieën van boeken uit de collectie, keramiek, ijzerdraad, epoxy
Sculptuur met cement en geglazuurde keramiek
Kunstenaarsboek met bijhorende sokkel, uniek exemplaar
Kunstenaarsboek met bijhorende sokkel, uniek exemplaar
Sculptuur met betonijzer, cement, schelpen
Reeks kunstenaarsboeken, unieke oplage van 30 exemplaren
Kunstenbibliotheek closely follows up the artscene and weekly presents new aquisitions. Next to general collection development, Kunstenbibliotheek focusses on the following themes:
• The city of Ghent, books on artists, designers, architects or writers born or living in Ghent.
• Publications linked to the activities of Kunstenbibliotheek’s different partners (KASK, Design museum Gent, HISK, SMAK, STAM, Gentse Gidsen). Kunstenbibliotheek’s collection wants to become an accurate reflection of the activities of collaborators, staff, guests, alumni or students)
• Positions from the so-called geographical and/or intellectual periphery: publications on art and art theory from Asia, Middle East, Africa, South America with a special attention for decolonization theory, gender and LGBTQ studies.
• In the past three years a first catch-up movement was made in collecting publications about and from female artists and/or authors or curators. Kunstenbibliotheek continues this policy in the year to come.
The artists’ books collection comprises different types of artist’s publications, limited editions, book objects, and other multiples. The collection is devoted to historical as well as contemporary bookworks. A large part of the historical collection comprises books of the 20th century avantgarde movements and minimal art, whereas the contemporary section has a specialized focus on artist’s self-publishing of the recent years.
In addition to the self-published works by artists, the collection carries works by specialised publishers such as Lubok, Motto Books, MER Paper Kunsthalle, Art Paper Editions, Roma Publications, and Imschoot Uitgevers, etc. The collection can be consulted via the online catalogue and the image bank. The publications themselves are available on request by making an appointment.
A selection of the book presentations can be found at:
The current volumes of the magazine subscriptions are available in the art library but are not lent out. Articles from previous years can be requested by e-mail.
HART • Metropolis M • kM • Kunstschrift • L’ART MEME • Artforum • Frieze • Kunstletters • Adbusters • Connaissance des arts • Mousse • De Witte Raaf • Zaal Z • SIKA • Aperture
BETON • Bouwen met baksteen • G+L • Contact • Arch Index • M&L • ZKG • tijdschrift publieke ruimte • topos • anthos • ruimte • blauwe kamer • JoLA • BAUM • Groencontact • Stadt + Grün • Architekten krant • Tuin en Landschap • Ruimte & Maatschappij • De Vlaamse Tuinaannemer • CG Concept • domus • pi • md • META • ak • Ruimte • Publieke Ruimte •
American Cinematographer • Theatermaker • Foam • FILM • Tubelight • Theaterkrant Magazine • Spelen
Eye • INTERNI • Idea • DAMN • View • Harvard Design Magazine • Print • TxP • FRAME
The Karel Geirlandt Collection is named after the first chairman of the Association for the Museum of Contemporary Art in Ghent (now SMAK). The collection was started when the Association was founded and grew with the museum. It forms a closed whole and contains books on art from 1945 to 2003 with a specialisation in conceptual and minimal art in Europe and the United States, and the artworks and artists collected by SMAK. This collection can only be consulted in the library.
The databases can be consulted via the HOGENT-network, and can be consulted at home via Academic Software (only for students and staff of HOGENT).
More info on our databases and online informationsources is available in this brochure.
AAS covers a broad range of related subjects, from fine, decorative and commercial art, to various areas of architecture and architectural design. Providing images, full-text journals and books, it is designed for use by a diverse audience, including art scholars, artists, designers, students and general researchers.
APM encompasses cross-searchable databases with thousands of journal titles, ensuring deep searches of extensive collections in specialist subject areas not covered in more general databases. Subject areas include art, design, architecture, humanities, film/screen studies, music, performing arts, and more.
• Artstor
Artstor is an extensive and representative visual resource of images for teaching and research in the arts, humanities and social sciences.
• Google Scholar
• CaGeWeb
• Apache
The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK) was founded by painter Ph. K. Marissal in 1751. KASK’s archive dates from 1770 and was supplemented until the middle of the 20th century. It consists of an arts archive and an administrative archive.
The arts archive consists mainly of academic drawings, architecture and visual arts, as well as sculptures, paintings and posters. The academic drawings contain examples of the different drawing methods that were taught, more specifically drawing according to prints, plaster or living models.
The collection includes drawings by artists from the Latem group, such as Gust De Smet, Léon De Smet, Albert Servaes and architectural drawings by former students such as Alphons Groothaert, Victor Horta, Geo Henderick, Gaston Eysselinck, paintings awarded the J.Pipyn prize by H.Malfait, J.Burssens, Steve Schepens, Steven Balen and others.
The art archive can be consulted via the catalogue and the image bank and can be viewed by appointment.
In the summer of 2018 Kunstenbibliotheek started its Zine collection to preserve recent & independent creations. This unique collection is constantly growing and we invite artists and writers to send us their self-published printed works.